Scientific Writing/Presentations

This is a compilation (also the only up-to-date page on the site!) of all the scientific writing, including the term-papers and the projects, that I've submitted or presented for my coursework or for student clubs at IISER Mohali. I tend to put a lot efforts in unconventional grading components for the coursework related scientific writing, because I strongly believe that such components provide the closest exposure to research that courses can provide.

  • IAU General Assembly poster presentation: Poster
  • Topic: Strategies to identify gravitationally lensed type Ia supernova in the Rubin LSST, presented by my supervisor, virtually Date: Aug. 6 - 15, 2024
  • Thesis Poster: Poster
  • Date: May 6th, 2024
  • Astronomical Society of India, 42nd meeting, poster presentation: Poster
  • Topic: Identifying Gravitationally Lensed Supernova Type Ia in the Rubin LSST Data
    Date: January 30th to February 4th, 2023

  • PRJ501 Thesis Evaluation Presentation: Presentation Slides
  • Topic: Identifying Strong Lensed Supernova Type Ia in the Rubin LSST Data
    Date: November, 2023
    This is the slide deck of the 16 credit thesis course presentation that I delivered to discuss the progress made in my two semesters-long thesis work at the end of the first semester. It elaborates on the theoretical motivation of my thesis topic and discusses the results obtained so far.

  • The Astronomy Club Blog Article: Blog page of the article
  • Topic: Predicting the Appearances of the Death of a Star
    This is an article that I wrote for the blog page of The Astronomy Club, IISER Mohali. It talks about an extremely fascinating observation of one of the first cases of lensed supernova, SN Refsdal, and the exciting field of observations cosmology that it opened up.

  • The Astronomy Club, Club Talk: Talk Slides
  • Topic: Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space
    Date: March, 2023
    This is the slide deck of the talk I delivered for The Astronomy Club, IISER Mohali, based on my work in the summer project of 2022. If you require a quick recap of strong gravitational lensing, then this is a good place to look at!

  • Topics in Evolutionary Biology, Biology Course Term-paper: Term-paper (Webpage)
  • Topic: Sexual Selection and the Evolution of the Morphology of Birds of Paradise
    Date: April, 2023
    For this term-paper, we were to choose a topic related to evolutionary biology, study the topic by referring to journal articles/books/other resources in literature, and prepare a maximum 2000-words long report. Being very fascinated by the extravagent physical features of the Birds of Paradise family, I chose the above topic. I recommend to take a quick glance at the term-paper, and if you feel even slightly intrigued by the photos of these birds, then do read the term-paper. I promise, it's super-interesting!

  • Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Physics Course, Journal Article Report: Term-paper (PDF)
  • Topic: A dynamical quantum Cheshire Cat effect implications for counterfactual communication
    Date: April, 2023
    For this term-paper, we were to review a journal article, published in a journal with impact factor > 8, related to the course content (QCQI) in a maximum of 400 words.

  • Astrophysical Processes and Stars, Astronomy Course Multimedia Submission: Presentation
  • Topic: Dark Matter and its Detection
    Date: March, 2022
    This component of course requied us to submit graphic/multimedia illustration of any concept relevant to the course, and a brief description of the submission. The presentation attached above contains graphical illustrations and doodles made by me to explain key concepts related to the methods that people use to study abundance of dark matter.

  • Relativistic Cosmology and Early Universe, Astronomy Course Term-paper Presentation: Presentation
  • Topic: Bouncing Universe: Possibilities and Challenges
    Date: April, 2023

  • Behaviour and Ecology, Biology Lab Project Report: Report (PDF), Analysis (Drive Folder)
  • Topic: Collection and Analysis of the Avian Data
    Date: November, 2022
    For this lab project, I collected bird abundance data from my neighbourhood for three months, and analysed it for ecological patterns. As a personal interest, I also cleaned and similarly analysed the data submitted by ~170 students in the course. This data comes from different parts of India (and one student contributing from Oman) and reveals some interesting patterns in avian diversity across India.

  • Curves and Surfaces, Math Course Term-paper: Presentation, Term-paper (PDF)
  • Topic: Exploring the Geometry of Spacetime via Geodesic Curves
    Date: November, 2022

  • Optics, Lab Course Home Projects: Report (PDF)
  • Topic: Hands-on Optics Projects- CD Spectrometer and Pin-hole Camera
    Date: November, 2020
    This course happened during Covid19 pandemic, in online-only mode. The instructor assigned two hands-on projects related to optics to each students to be designed and developed at home. The above document is the report submitted based on two projects that I made.

  • Advanced Electronics and Instrumentation, Lab Course Project: Presentation
  • Topic: Bipolar Stepper Motors and x-y Translation Platform Development with 3D Printer for Glass Marking/Cutting with Laser or Plasma.
    Date: May, 2022
    For this project, we attempted to design and develop a small device consisting of a platform that can perform automated translation in x-y plane controlled by an arduino connected to two stepper motors. We prepared a detailed layout of the platform, with designated spaces to attach the motors in a 3-D designing software Autocad and UltiMaker Cura and got it 3-D printed. We also prepared the program to have the arduino control the motor motion in calibrated manner. The project assembly, unfortunately, was left incomplete due to lack of time at the end of the semester.